The Top Most Common Diseases in Childhood | Newborn- Ideal Baby Care

The Most Common Diseases in Child and Newborn

There are many such common diseases in child and newborn that cause anxiety, colds, cough, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes (diaper rash), cradle cap (head injury), but after proper treatment, everything gets better. On the other hand, there are some serious illnesses that trouble the child. But if the warning signs of the symptoms are indicated by an expert doctor, then the child is not at all more vulnerable.

Childhood Common Diseases

Cold and Cough in Infant

Typically, changes in the environment result in the complaint of cold-blooded infants to the newborn. The weather has its effect on the body after its mother has left the womb. Children with a chronic cold can also be infected with allergies and infections. Knowing the symptoms, early treatment cures the disease. Occasionally the coughing disease can be serious when your child has Gastrophegel Reflex complaint. If the child is coughing when it is a cuff, then it starts vomiting.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases 

Gastrophegaly Reflex is a child's stomach disorder, which can cause stomachache, due to indigestion, it can vomit after drinking milk. It is a common disease in the newborn. The baby takes milk after drinking milk and it vomits. There are several common reasons behind them. Due to not digesting milk or the mother has eaten something that would increase the acidity.

Vomiting in Infant

Vomiting is also a common disease of children. If it is sometimes indigestion, then there is no question of panic. But when it is equal, after feeding, it can be very serious. It is a serious matter if diarrhea also vomits. Such a complaint is equal in feeding with a bottle. In such case, the child should immediately be admitted to the hospital.
If you give milk to the child after feeding you, then it is natural to have vomit. If the child tears, then it is fine, otherwise keep it in the position of the right or else lite.

Fever in Infant

The feeling of fever is a natural process in which the body fights with infection. Normal fever is not very worrisome, but viral infection or pneumonia and typhoid are serious. If the fever is high then go to the doctor right away. Especially when -
Your newborn is 3 months or less and has a fever of 100.4 ° F or higher. Your newborn is more than 3 months old and has a fever of 102.2 ° F or higher.

Colic in Infant

In the abdomen, stomach hurts. This happens due to the formation of acid in the intestine or something stuck. It is not easily known that the children have a stomach ache. If she is constantly crying and feeling something unusual, then mother knows about this matter first.
If the child cries more than 3 hours in one day then it should be understood that she is suffering from stomachache or something disturbing. However, there may be other reason to cry.

Jaundice in Infant

Jaundice has become a common disease in children. In many cases, the newborn is seeing jaundice's complaint as soon as the mother is born from the womb. Doctors usually give these children therapeutics. In jaundice, the color of the child's skin, eyes, and chest become yellow.
The yellow color is caused by the formation of Bilubarin in the blood. Generally, the work of the liver is that it does not allow or decrease Bilubarin. It is often that after the birth of many children the lever does not work properly and in this case, jaundice becomes. With birth, the child who has jaundice is likely to have many diseases, including mental illness, deafness, and many other diseases. But there is no need to panic if jaundice without any treatment is taken immediately after birth. For this, doctors make phototherapy, in which a special light is kept in a glass jar. Living in this special light reduces the amount of Bilubarin in the blood.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV in Infant

RSV is a viral disease in which the child is having trouble breathing and is unable to get admitted to hospital. It can take up to a year of birth. Common symptoms of cold, nose bleeding, fever, phlegm, which last for weeks. It becomes serious when it chalks out the respiratory tract or affects the lungs.
If RSV infection affects the lungs then there may also be a deadly disease like viral pneumonia. In this, the doctor advises to take a steam and not to stay in the moisture area. Do not let anyone smoke around the child, it can be dangerous.

Pneumonia in Infant

Pneumonia is different from common cold-cough and fever. Pneumonia is sometimes proven to be life-threatening for children. It is a disease of infection in the lungs. It can be caused by both viral and bacterial infections. Generally, pneumonia occurs with the infection of the RSV to the newborn. Older children have pneumonia from other bacterial and viral infections.
When the newborn has viral pneumonia, high fever, breathing fast, trouble breathing, coughing. Children leave food and drink and become very weak. If more serious, the pulse starts moving faster and the bellows in the chest, which are called shiny also begin. In many cases, children have been seen complaining of diarrhea with pneumonia. In pneumonia, children are admitted and oxygen is applied. It is possible to treat antibiotic needles and medicines only.


Diarrhea begins to cause continuous diluted diarrhea and the body lacks water. It is often caused by viral and bacterial infection. There is also diarrhea from allergy and side effects of medicines. The most dangerous diarrhea is viral diarrhea and it causes only water in diarrhea. The infant who is drinking will have diarrhea for twelve times in a day. But more than this, and only if water comes out, the child should be admitted to the hospital immediately. Diarrhea can prove dangerous if there is a sudden decrease in baby weight. In this case, doctors try to reduce the child's dehydration by saline water.
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N koli
April 10, 2019 at 3:07 PM ×

Kidspresso - everything your child needs...Modern parenting tips, blogs & articles by mommy bloggers and experts

Congrats bro N koli you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...