Health Tips for JOINT PAINS | Relief Joint Pain Naturally - Ideal Baby Care

Relief JOINT PAINS Naturally :

I'll be talking about JOINT PAINS. The cause of joint pains for many people is due to arthritis or Inflammation of one or more joints. Statistics tell us that twenty-two point seven percent of the adult population suffers from doctor diagnosed joint pains. And it is significantly higher in women compared to men. With an aging population, the incidence is going to increase in coming decades. By the year 2040, the incidence is going to be twenty-six percent compared to twenty-two percent in 2018.



Here are few suggestions for joint pain relief :

Epsom salt soaks classic remedy for Buzzle and joint pain relief is a relaxing Epsom salt bath. As they're high in magnesium and sulfates and can easily absorb through the skin they can provide quick relief and reduce inflammation.

You can add two cups to the bath water and soak for 20 minutes or you can use it in a compress and apply directly on the skin. You can also add an essential oil like lavender oil to the salt.

Hot and Cold Packs for Joint Pains

For a cure joint pain try the hot and cold approach. Apply hot pack on the affected area for 20 minutes followed by an ice cold pack for 20 minutes.

Exercise for Joint Pains

The stiff muscle around the joints can cause joint pains. Excise will stretch and relax and strengthen the muscles around the joints and reduce the pain.

Weight loss for Joint Pains

The extra weight of the body can put unnecessary strain on the joints. Overweight can also increase bone degeneration. Losing weight can ease pain and also prevent further damage.

One of the ways to prevent long-term pain is a change in diet. Chronic inflammation can also cause weakness and tissue death. So make sure you include an anti-inflammatory diet. Foods like Chia, Flax, and walnuts which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids help in anti-inflammation. Try to avoid processed foods trans fats and packaged foods.



Calcium cannot be produced by the body naturally, therefore, we need to provide it through food or supplementation. Dark green vegetables dairy and almonds are one of the greatest sources of calcium.

Vitamin D

The body cannot absorb calcium if you do not have enough vitamin D. Fish, Egg and Sunlight are some of the natural sources of vitamin D.


It is naturally found in the cartilage one of the natural way to consume glucose a mine. If you want to supplement liquid is easy to absorb then a powder anti-inflammatory herbs like turmeric and ginger reduce the inflammation throughout the body. You can take them as a supplement or used in cooking proteolysis enzymes. This reduces the inflammation in the body.

Proteolysis enzyme

You can use this as a supplement from apple cider vinegar it helps reduce inflammation by removing the accumulated toxins around the joint due to alkalizing effect it is beneficial for those suffering from arthritis and it is also rich in minerals like magnesium, phosphorus potassium, and calcium.

Take 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a little honey in warm water every day. Do this repeatedly, not only for your joint pain but also to have a healthy body. 
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July 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM ×

For joint pain relief calcium supplements and Herbal Joint Pain Supplements are very helpful. Thanks for sharing this post.

Congrats bro unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...